
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Six Person Limit

Whatif....there were only six people in my life that I you think I could keep up with them??

It's my humble opinion that there are just simply too many wonderful people in this little corner of the world. There are so many people that I want to spend time with, drink coffee with, eat lobster (which I tasted for the first time ever last Saturday, and would eat every day from this day forward if the opportunity should present itself) with, go to the movies with, discuss life, and love, and dreams and theology with. There are so many people that I love, but almost never see.

Would it be better if nearly all people were insufferable boorish jerks? Then I'd be glad I didn't have time to be with them....but no...they're wonderful...they're fascinating...they're fun...and I'm constantly saying "I'm sorry...I don't have time for you..." I hate saying that. It's not that I say it to their faces, but, I see them in town or somewhere and I think "I'd love to go for coffee with you", but, the reason I'm in town is cause I've got things to do, places to go, people (other people) to see. So I say nothing...or I say "we should get together some time...", which we both know will be never, and go our way.

There's the girl that befriended me when I first moved to Linden in Grade 5. We were best friends. I loved her. In grade six she changed to a private school a mile out of town. She lived on a farm, I lived in town. Our parents didn't know each other. I never saw her again until we were both married and I had little, little girls. I still loved her...but, I was busy. Every time I see her I long for relationship...but the little recording goes on "i'm sorry...I don't have time for you"

There's a girl at the church I used to go to, that I used to teach girls club with, go for lunch with when we both worked in Acme, that I see once a year on our annual bike trip in June...that I love. She lives six miles away. I never see her. Her dad in law is really sick in hospital with cancer. I hope she knows I love her.

There's the sister in law...that I could never seem to get through to...that never lets me in...that closes herself off...that I love, and never see. She lives an hour away. I see her at Christmas, and Easter, mother's day...and the odd birthday...that's it.

There's a mother of three little, little ones. She's so full of life, so much fun, so zany... when she's not completely worn out from being a mother of three. I pray for her. I long to "be there" for her....but... hmmm,,,I may have to make some changes to the recording..

There's the guy that built our house, that we had in for lunch every day for four or five months. A really humble, gentle guy. He's the guy that introduced me to the ALPHA Course. What a wonderful course that was. Now both the course, and the house are done...and I never see him either anymore. He lives four miles away.

There's my mom in law, 1/2 mile away... I say "hi" to her once a week in church. I haven't had coffee with her for nearly 3 months. I LOVE her...why can't I find time to see her??

There's my Mom, my Dad, my sisters, my other sister in law, my aunts, my uncles, my Grandparents....I love them all!!

There's the countless people I've fallen in love with in "small groups" like ALPHA, like youth group, like worship bands, like care groups, in prayer groups. I could go on and on. I wish I could solve this problem. I don't know how...but I do know this. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to see the beauty in so many different have a life so full that my cup litterally "runneth over". I'm trying to catch it all, but it keeps pouring out. I'm glad that people are wonderful!!


  • I've always looked at the relationship-problem that you mention as actually just storing up people for hanging out with in heaven. Not that I don't want to hang out with people down's practically my favourite thing to do!!....but that I never have time or money or energy or whatever here on earth, and in Heaven we can all hang out ETERNALLY!!! With everyone that matters to us. Which may eventually be everyone...hey, we will have time to make the rounds! =)

    By Blogger Paula, at 5:10 PM  

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