
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Accountability people!!

Whatif... I'm horribly disappointed by the lack of accountability found in the pages of this here blog?? I specifically asked people to ask me if I got it one...not one solitary soul...asked me if I got it clean. You people can't be trusted. You completely robbed me of the ability to brag!!! Yes!!! I did get it clean...on the same day too...what do you have to say about that!! What's that I hear? Nothing?? Bordom?? Was that a yawn??


  • *Warning: The following comment is a feeble attempt at humour. Beware of failing jokes!*

    Hey, I never said I'd hold you accountable! Am I my sister's keeper?


    Doh! I need to go re-read Cain & Abel...I can't remember which guy was the bad guy, and I have a feeling I'm picking the wrong side...

    By Blogger Paula, at 2:56 PM  

  • Um... I couldn't comment on your blog cause it was broken for a while there... that's my excuse...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:59 PM  

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