
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Whatif I get started on a blog, and just write and write until I have a book? That would be cool, except, you'd probably get bored and quit reading. That'd be sad, except, I'm not really writing for you...I'm writing for me, so it wouldn't matter...and then I'd have a book. And that would be cool.

Anyway...some thoughts regarding belief and experience. A friend asked me what my beliefs were on a certain subject, and followed by asking what my experience was on the same subject. That got me wondering, should the two things be different...can they be different? We were communicating via e-mail, so I carefully formulated my answer. Tell me what you think.

Interesting thought. If my belief and my experience are not the same then something must be wrong. I have a new thing I've been saying lately, which may or may not be true. It goes like this. TRUTH + FAITH = EXPERIENCE. I believe that Jesus is the TRUTH. If what I believe is not quite the truth, then I will not experience what I believe to be true. Also, if the truth is the TRUTH but I don't quite believe it, then also, I will not experience that truth. If either of these two things are in error...I will not experience the true life of Christ. This seem right to me, but it may not be true...I'm learning.


  • I think you might be on to something there... I'm reluctant to say that it's a guarantee that you will experience everything that you believe is truth... but then again... If FAITH comes from GOD and TRUTH comes as a revelation, what would be the point of God giving you those things if not to enter into a greater experience of the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Something that Watchman Nee said comes to mind regarding faith. He said, if my faith and my experience do not line up, then it must be my experience that is false. When we try to define FAITH or TRUTH by our experience we go off course. We need to judge the validity of our experience based on TRUTH.

    Does that make any sense at all? It does in my head...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:58 AM  

  •'s not true math, if it was then experience minus faith would equal truth, and it most certainly does not.

    By Blogger toomanywhatifs, at 8:58 AM  

  • I have been thinking about this a lot lately. You know the old saying: "Practice what you preach"?

    I don't like it.

    I think it should be: "Preach what you practice". That's what I'm going to do.

    By Blogger Paula, at 11:09 AM  

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