
Friday, December 02, 2005

Mr. Nice Guy

I love my job. I love serving the “public”. There are just so many kinds of people. Most people are just sort of ordinary (thus the term ordinary), some are a little odd, some are kind of scary, and some just come in and make your day. A guy came in today and made my day (kinda). Living in a small town it seems like you know everybody’s name, and you know everybody’s face…but lots of times you don’t know which name goes with which face, so you just kinda muddle through looking for clues so you don’t have to ask what name goes with the face you’re looking at. Anyway…that’s kinda irrelevant (I’ve used the word kinda four times now…did you notice??)

This guy came in today. I have never seen this guy before (although I had heard his name), but he talked as if we were old, old friends. Probably the friendliest stranger I’ve ever met. He asked me if my kids had been sick. Apparently he had called a few days earlier (or come in) and found no one able to help him on the registry side of the business. I only work three days a week, and my co-worker was home with sick kids. My boss must have informed him about the sick kids, I said no, that would have been my co-worker. He looked over at her and asked with absolute genuineness if her kids were better, it’s just awful to have sick kids. It’s so much better when they’re healthy. She said yes, they are all fine now, but it was quite a run, and he said he was so glad to hear that…as if he were their grandpa or something.

When he left, my co-worker asked who on earth that was?? I read his name off the paperwork in front of me, she asked, do you know him?? I said, never seen him before…and we both went: Hmmm, nice guy…

It made me hope that I’m that nice and that friendly to total strangers…thanks guy!


  • Awww... He does sound nice. It's nice when you run into people like that every now and then.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:32 PM  

  • Hooray for nice guys!!

    By Blogger Paula, at 12:13 PM  

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