
Friday, December 02, 2005

Speaking of Nice Guys

Speaking of nice guys…there are also the ones that make you laugh, make you glad you came to work that day, who let you know you’re appreciated. We have a guy like that at work. He comes in a couple of times a month…always got something on the go, always on the fly…comes in drops stuff off…asks if you could “all at once” do this and this for him while he goes for coffee, and then just sneak back in and pick it up. He calls his wife from the office and asks if she could “all at once” just come into town and sign some documents. I always laugh when he says that. She should come “all at once”…she shouldn’t – say – leave her feet behind…she should come “ALL at once”… Hee, hee, hee. He doesn’t really get it when I tease him about that. He always forgets to come back after coffee, so three days later he comes back, still on the fly, still smiling, still bringing sunshine with him, and, promising donuts for all the trouble he causes. Then he mentions the donuts the next four or five times he comes in…and then…he actually brings the donuts!! Lots of them!! More than we can eat! Mmmm…donuts!!

I love days like that! He’s one of my favorite customers, one of the reasons that I love my job, one of the reasons that I love people.

The interesting thing is…that he represents a people group that gets a lot of prejudicial flack around here. It’s so sad, when we can’t accept people on an individual basis…we have to lump them into groups. We have an issue with “the group”, and so associate everyone in the group with “the issue”. We can’t respect them… they’re with “the group”. We can’t learn from them…they’re with “the group”. We can’t love them, or have compassion on them…they’re with “the group”.
I know a guy who literally hates this particular group of people. His blood pressure soars, his heart races, he gets headaches. He is genuinely killing himself with bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness toward this group of people. Granted…he’s seen some pretty nasty stuff come out of this group…the issues are for real. It’s the lump I have a problem with, the painting them all with the same brush…hating “the group” for what certain individuals within the group did. Anytime he hears something negative it adds fuel to the fire, it “proves” his point. Anytime someone else has a similar experience, they feed each other’s hatred. But anytime something wonderful happens…someone brings sunshine in with him, tells us “Don’t ever think I don’t appreciate you guys”, says “it’s wonderful to be able to come in here and get everything you need”, makes us laugh and brings us donuts…does it douse the fire? Does it sooth the wounds? Does it soften the heart? Does it reflect well on “the group”?? No. It goes unnoticed for the most part. “well, that was nice of him…” and go on with the day, with the anger, with the hatred…till it kills you. That’s the thing with hatred, with bitterness, with anger, with prejudice…it kills you. It steals from you… your joy, your peace, your energy, your rational mind, your health, your life. The “thief” comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy…does the thief masquerade as prejudice?? Has he stolen from you lately???


  • Here's how I see this. A nice Holderman (and I haven't met one that wasn't nice, or fun, or had a great smile) doesn't excuse the lies their church is feeding them.

    Speaking only for myself, I will always be frustrated by the lack of freedom they have and the weird behaviour it can cause, but I will lay down my life and love them as long as they are in my path.

    I don't know who the prejudicial person is you are talking of, but maybe they are just frustrated with the lies while actually loving the people, but aren't that good at expressing it. Maybe not.

    By Blogger Paula, at 12:20 PM  

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