
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

So…whatif people misunderstand what I’m trying to say….

I was talking with friends the other day and trying to explain this whole blogging thing to them. That you pour your heart out in a journal style entry and put it out there for the whole world to see, and invite comments back to either agree or disagree, or offer advice, or ask you questions. The one guy just couldn’t comprehend the desire to do this, to pour your heart out, first of all, then to let someone read it, and then comment??? It’s crazy! He thinks it's far too risky. To try to communicate with the written word, is what it came down to. That you couldn't hear the inflection of the voice and the expression on the face, you couldn't ask for clarification if you misunderstood something. It would be far too easy to misinterpret what was being written, too easy to offend, and all that stuff. Not to mention that it’s out there for all to see!

He was a toomanywhatifs kind of guy. Whatif they don’t agree with me? Whatif they don’t get my sense of humor? Whatif they don’t “get” me?? . I tend to write like I talk (with generous doses of tongue in cheek, sarcasm, and satire). Do people get that when I write? Do they think I'm entirely serious? If so, then I likely do offend. I hope that people "get" me, when they read. I hope you "get" me when you read. Whatif they don’t care? Whatif no one responds? Whatif it’s awkward when I see them next? Without realizing it, he totally gets the meaning of my blog name. He totally gets why I’ve had a blog for two weeks now, but have kept it a closely guarded secret.

It is risky….putting your heart out there is always risky, written word, spoken word, whatever. It’s risky. Whatif I’m the only person on the planet that thinks this way? Whatif I’m wrong about what I think? Whatif I’m too insecure to handle it……..


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