
Thursday, April 16, 2009

it's been a while

I miss writing in here. It feels like a long time since I've written. A friend of mine recently posted photos of her 'cluttered' house and called it confessions of a bad housekeeper or something like that. It reminded me of some of my earliest posts, where I catalogued all the disaster zones in my home! I still have disaster zones, and I still have other things I 'should' be doing instead of laying in front of the TV.

The fact that I'm not writing much lately is NOT due to the fact that I'm not thinking about anything. My poor brain is overwhelmed with thoughts. Going round and round, over and under all the time. I've had the opportunity lately to share with my mini-church group, my thoughts about healing. It's been super fun! I feel like I come alive when I get to talk about this stuff with people who actually want to learn.

The Bible is SO full of this healing message and yet we've heard it so seldom. It's sad really. The problem I've been having lately, the reason that I've not been writing, is that these thoughts are so big, so involved, the tentacles of these truths so far reaching that I'm having trouble putting them into words. The struggle for me, because it is so involved, is to keep it simple. Because the gospel is simple. The gospel is Jesus did it all! Whoever believes receives. Whoever believes experiences! That is the truth, no matter which side of the diamond I'm looking at. It's not like 'eternal life' is easy, and 'abundant life' is hard. They are both the same. They are both the result of being 'in' Christ.

I'm sure there are some who would never say that eternal life is easy, but I can say it, because I totally, fully believe that Jesus paid the penalty for my sin. That his death was a substitute for mine, and because of his death, I can live! It's that simple! I don't do anything to receive eternal life except receive eternal life. 'Take' and 'say thank you' as my pastor would say!

Paul says in Colossians 2:6 "just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so continue to live in him". Abundant life is meant to be every bit as simple as eternal life. When God says 'by his stripes we are healed', he meant that every bit as much as when he said that 'everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life'. The only work involved is the work of believing and receiving. Taking and saying Thank you!

Physical healing has to be this simple as well. The gospel, the good news, is that simple, and physical healing is included in the gospel. We complicate it, like we complicate everything else. I'm sorry if I've contributed to the complicating. I've tried so hard to 'understand' it. I haven't been asked to understand it though, I've been asked to believe it.


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