
Monday, December 15, 2008

who, then?

I am constantly in prayer asking God to fill me with a knowledge of His will regarding healing. Constantly asking him to show me if I'm wrong, if I'm speaking too boldly of things I do not know. The psalmist prayed 'teach me your ways, that I may walk in your Truth, for YOUR name's sake.' I pray this as well.

There are days, when I feel that I know nothing at all... when I want to know nothing... when having hope in the Truth of Christ the Healer is mocked and bombarded by every possible front. When arguments and physical circumstances set themselves up against the knowledge of Christ and ask me to choose between faith and the school of common thought, between faith and what appears to be 'reality'.

I am reminded of John 6:25-69, where Jesus was teaching about his flesh being real food and his blood being real drink, and how many of his own followers said 'This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" , and many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. Jesus turned to 'the Twelve' and asked "Do you want to leave me too?" And Peter said "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

And that's how I feel... Like sometimes this is too hard a teaching... but then I think... To whom shall I go? What other hope is there? No one offers hope like Jesus Christ! No one offers wholeness like Jesus Christ! No one offers abundant life like Jesus Christ! So, whether I understand it or not, whether I represent it as well as someone else could or not, whether I get it 'right' every time, whether or not I see the results I long to see, I will not be ashamed of the GOSPEL (the GOOD NEWS) because it is the POWER of God for the SALVATION (the SOZO - the complete and total restoration of all things lost, the fulness of life, the healing, the saving, the rescuing, etc. etc.) to everyone who believes!


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