
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another picture

I’ve already shared a couple of the ‘pictures’ I’ve seen. Here`s another, seen years ago, but still very vivid in my mind.

I saw an outstretched hand, from the perspective as if it was my own, and it could have been, but really it was anybody’s hand, possibly everyone’s hand. It was being held out, away from and in front of the body, palm up. It was closed, not in a fist, but in a protective measure to cover what I didn’t notice right at first.

Across the palm of this hand was a deep, clean cut, as if from a knife. Blood dripping. There was deep pain, almost shock, and intense need. There was an awareness of the need for help, but alongside of it, stronger than it, was the need to protect, to keep it covered, unexposed to further harm. There was neither the 'fight' or the 'flight' response, but rather a frozen sort of helplessness.

I was keenly aware of another presence on the scene, though I never saw anyone else. I knew it to be God. He was near. Very near. All around, actually. Intense, focussed, keenly aware of the pain. To say he was willing to heal was beyond an understatement. He was longing to heal and quietly, calmly, passionately, working at convincing the owner of the hand to open the fingers to expose the wound. He was the definition of gentle, kind, patient, loving.

One touch of his finger across this cut would heal it perfectly, but to open the hand was too risky. To expose it...potentially, almost certainly, painful. There was a great deal of fear. I want to open the hand, need to open the hand, but..., there is a need for courage, a need for surrender.... Over and above this is the intense desire of God to bring healing, restoration, relief.

Intense would be an understatement.


  • Wow!

    This is so true for so many of us. I think first you don't know your cut and then when you do you won't open the hand.

    Thanks so much for sharing what God showed you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:12 PM  

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