
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Last night my definition of success was altered a little. My definition of success has always had to do with results. If the result is good, then it was successful. If the result is bad, then it was a failure.

If, when I open my mouth about something, the response is all favorable, and people readily embrace what I have presented, then my presentation was successful. If however, after opening my mouth, I find that people are confused, upset, frustrated, and now have more questions than they did before I opened my mouth, then my presentation was a failure. I was unable to clearly communicate my position. If I were, then people would readily accept it, and all would be good.

I learned that I carry this definition into my relationship with God. If the 'result' of my behavior is good, then I say 'Thank you God, for living through me!' But if the 'result' is bad, then I beat myself up for being a failure.

What I learned last night, is that 'success' is not really meant to be based on results, but rather, on method. Did I operate out of my own strength (out of 'the flesh') or did I present myself to God and ask him to live through me by his Spirit?

If Jesus had lived by my definition of success, he would have viewed himself a failure. Because people did not readily accept what he said. People got confused, upset, frustrated and left with more questions than they came with. People wanted to (and eventually did) kill him for the things he said and did. And yet, God said, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased" because he did everything he saw the Father doing.


  • It is very hard not to look at results and say that is success....

    I totally agree with you but it is completely upside down from the world's way...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 AM  

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