
Monday, January 09, 2006

it's been too long since we talked

How've you been?? I've been busy...

New years day, one of our little dogs showed signs of being in heat. As yet we do not have a male dog to breed them with, so our back up plan was to use the male pet belonging to a friend of a friend. I had called the family a few months ago and sort of arranged it. So new years day I called again, thinking in a day or two they should bring him by leave him for a week (apparently girl dogs "catch" on only one or two days of an 8-10 day cycle). They were uncomfortable with that, being that they'd never met us, and he's like one of their children to them, so they asked if they could come by the same day! So they did. We had invitations to two other new years day celebrations, but, also a substantial investment in these crazy little dogs, so we figured we'd better not miss this opportunity. The male came, sniffed everywhere, pee'd everywhere, then sniffed again, but that was about it. No matter, it was only the first day! Then they took him back home. Next day, both dogs were showing signs, so we called them back to ask if, now that they'd met us, they'd be willing to leave him for the week. No, but they'd leave him overnight. Fair enough. So they brought him by Monday, I brought him back Tuesday. They brought him by Wednesday, i brought him back Thursday. Thursday they said that was enough. He was their pet, and their baby, and we'd had him long enough. The male never showed any interest in the girls, except to sniff and pee, the entire time we had him, and the girls were still crazy in heat. A little frustrating... To top it off, I am pretty convinced due to evidence I don't care to disclose, that our own border collie did his thing with them on Friday!! Aaaagh!!!

Add to that that Canada's junior hockey team kicked butt and won gold in the world hockey tournament. The games were only showed on satelite (which we don't have), so my sister invited us for supper for the semi-final, and the gold medal game nights.

Add to that that my washing machine quit on Christmas eve and I had to do laundry at my mom's on Tuesday, and also spend a day in Calgary trying to discern which would be the best possible boxing week bargain on a new washer/dryer set.

Add to that, my co-worker was moving to a different house and didn't come in to work Thursday, so I worked an extra 2 hours to cover for her.

And then it was Sunday again! I swear, one day I'm gonna wake up and be 90 years old...the weeks are going by so fast that if I blink I miss them! It's a good kind of busy, I like everything I do, and everyone I do things with, but busy none the less. It certainly beats being bored.


  • It sounds like the male dog was really just "raised right" you know what I mean... Seriously, he's being offered 2 female dogs who are in heat and even after several days, he's able to stand up against temptation and keep his hormones to himself! That's some pretty good self control if you ask me! I only hope that one day my own boys will be able to make the right choice against those kinds of odds!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 AM  

  • Either that or the dog was gay... I don't know...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:07 AM  

  • hah! See Mom? I'm not the only one who thinks that dog was gay...
    Thanks Daryl.

    By Blogger Me, at 11:04 PM  

  • ...or the dog has some modicum of modesty and waited til y'all weren't lookin' to perform his magic.

    A dog with modesty? Hmmm...prob'ly not.

    By Blogger Paula, at 8:02 AM  

  • I've seen our Border Collie try it with a tree... I think the male visitor to your breeding house was put off by the busy weeks you had. How could he be expected to perform with headlights coming and going, and little snickers behind his back. Poor little guy probably has a complex, you know, stage fright. But no, I know the owner...I always thought he was gay.(the dog). Think on his name too. I can hear the mockery in Dogtown: "hey Kimmy-ik, come chase cars with us when you're done your nails..." little guy didn't stand a chance!

    By Blogger Spoke, at 10:43 PM  

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