
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

right is right and wrong is....right??

Right is right and wrong is…..right??

So it’s clear from reading that bit in Deuteronomy that disease and sickness, in God’s mind, fall on the side of curses…. We agree with this in our natural response to illness. We feel ill, so we go to the doctor and ask “what’s WRONG with me?” We use the word WRONG. We see someone dragging around at work and ask “What’s WRONG?” We never hear the words “Yeahh!!! I’m catching a cold!” or “Hurray, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer!” In our hearts we know it’s WRONG to be sick, as in, not right. Bad, as in, not good. This attitude AGREES with God. Our theology says “ask God to heal you, and if he doesn’t in 5 seconds flat (exaggerated, of course… some people are more patient) then assume that it IS His will that we be sick”. We, in essence, say that God is endorsing the bad, the wrong, the curse. That what is wrong, bad, and a curse is actually, in fact, God’s will. If the same thinking held up for the woman praying for her ugly, violent temper, and God did not deliver in 5 seconds flat, would we then assume that it is God’s will for her to be violent, to repeatedly hurt people with her anger? Of course not. We KNOW it’s God’s will for her to be holy.

Look back at Deuteronomy. What is God’s will? The blessing. What is not God’s will? The curse. Can we then, in light of this, agree without doubt that it IS God’s will to heal, and go on to ask the question “Since it is God’s will to heal, where is the block??” I am now fully convinced. I am fully convinced that it is God’s will to save. I am fully convinced that it is God’s will to redeem. I am fully convinced that it is God’s will to sanctify. I am fully convinced that it is God’s will for me to “Be holy, as I am holy”. I am fully convinced that it is God’s will to heal.

So, are all saved? Are all redeemed? Are all sanctified? Are all holy? Are all healed? Where is the block? Is it on the side of God’s will? Have you ever heard that it is not God’s will to save someone? Not his will to sanctify? Can you hear God saying “It is my strange and mysterious will to allow* this person to live in sin, it is not my will that she be holy”? Yet we say it all the time about healing. We need to stop!

Next question. Are all these words (saved, redeemed, sanctified, holy, healed) just “positional” words? “In Christ I am sanctified, therefore I can go on sinning.” That is “positional” thinking. “As long as it’s true in the spiritual sense, the physical is irrelevant.” Again, “positional” thinking. No one would accept this line of thought in regard to a sinful lifestyle, nor will I accept it in regard to healing. If what I believe does not work itself out in my physical body, then something is wrong.

* Note: God does “allow” us to live in sin, however, it is NOT because it is his will that we do so.


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