
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Quest

My poor brain is in an uproar!! I’ve been asking lots of questions, as you know. I’ve been praying and seeking God for wisdom and revelation of the TRUTH. Recently I stumbled across the opportunity to go to a “seminar” on Biblical healing. The slogan went something like this…”are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Find out how you can never be sick and tired again!” I had, just the week before, been to an evening ‘seminar on healing’ which turned out to be basically a two hour long info-mercial to sign me up on a long term diet and exercise program guaranteed to ‘maintain the temple’ (my body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit), which would in turn, prevent disease. (That is my exaggerated, sarcastic, synopsis of the seminar. The man’s heart was very genuine, and I do believe that healthy living plays a role in preventing disease) but that is sooooo not what I was hoping for. The teaching had NOTHING to do with Jesus. You could have taught these same principals to an atheist, with the same results.

Needless to say, I was skeptical, then, of this new ‘seminar.’ A friend of mine (on a similar quest) called the church for info. The receptionist there knew very little about the actual course, so gave her the phone number of the lady teaching it. I phoned the lady and asked her point blank if she was going to ask me to sign up for diet and exercise or if this was about Biblical healing. The woman was amazing. She was so full of the joy and excitement of all the things she had been set free of, of the miracles she had seen, that have happened in her own family, all because of understanding simple Biblical principals and the heart of God! I could hardly get her off the phone, nor did I want to get her off the phone…she was pumped! She wasn’t some flashy, razzle-dazzle, preacher person with slogans. She wasn’t a “repeat after me mindlessly and all your problems will be solved.’ She wasn’t a ‘name it and claim it’. She was just a lady, with an ordinary job, and an ordinary life, who was so pumped up about what she’d been learning that she wanted to share it with the world! My friend and I signed up.

Turns out only one other lady signed up…so it was the four of us. Perfect….that means I can ask my many hundreds of questions….

Now my brain is on overload. This will take a long time to sort through, so I’ll write about it in bits…and reserve the right to go back and reprocess. There are a lot of ‘ifs, ands, and buts’ in my thinking right now….


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