
Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I told you I’d write more about the seminar I went to after I had my thoughts sorted out a bit better. But, honestly, since the seminar my mind feels like a big sheaf of paper that’s been thrown up in the air and has fallen all over the floor in random order. I have so many thoughts from so many angles, but I’m trying to put them all in order, I’m trying to find Page 1.

I still really don’t know what to make of this guys teaching. (The seminar leader was a girl, but she was teaching from the work of a guy from Georgia, from a seminar that she went to personally, and from a book that was written from transcripts of his various teaching sessions, as well as testimonials from the many, many who have been healed there.) It’s hard to refute the testimonies, as there are so many of them, but I don’t know what to say about the theology.

I finally finished his book last night. I didn’t want to say much about it until I had read it through, in case further along the line there was some key truth that I hadn’t been hearing. As I said earlier, (I think I did…?) what I was looking for when I went to the seminar was further teaching about the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, in regard to the healing of the body. I did not hear this from the classes I took, nor did I read about it in his book. So, I spent the whole time listening and looking for how the finished work, the cross work, the “by his stripes we are healed” work of Jesus, could or would fit in with his theology.

Again, I feel like I’ve only been told half the truth. There is truth in this teaching, but it is not (in my opinion) the whole TRUTH. The teaching actually has very little to do with Jesus, and much to do with Old Covenant law. Since Jesus IS the TRUTH, we absolutely can’t leave him out of it. On the other hand, since Jesus said not one stroke or letter of the old covenant would pass away, and since we know that Jesus fulfilled the law of the old covenant, and that the law was put in place to lead us to Christ, and the law was a shadow of the better things to come, would it be wise to leave it out? The Old Covenant was a good covenant, the new one is a better one. Can the New Covenant be better understood in light of the Old??

That said, this man’s foundational basis for teaching is the passage on “blessings and curses” found in Deuteronomy 28 to 30. I don’t know how often you venture into Old Testament reading, but this little bit of scripture is certainly an interesting read. I’ve read it several times before, but was struck overwhelmingly this time through, with the implications for sickness and disease. On the blessing side, there is no mention whatsoever about disease, on the curses side….., YIKES!!!

I have had some, no…, many mini-revelations regarding this, too many to write in one post, so you’ll have to stay tuned, but one thing I can say…. I am more convinced now than ever that it IS God’s will to heal, and not only to heal, but for us to be in health…. ALWAYS.

Are you not sure?? Look back to the garden of Eden… no sickness, no disease, no death…IF we can keep our hands of the apple. God’s will: choose life, health, provision. Not God’s will: choose death, independence, disobedience. Look at the nation of Isreal (here in Deuteronomy)…. God’s will: CHOOSE LIFE. Not God’s will: choose death. All through the prophets…. God’s will: choose life. Not God’s will: choose death, bondage, disease. All through Jesus life on earth… God’s will: heal everyone who came to him. Eternal life?? God’s will: choose LIFE, choose Jesus, it is God’s will that all should be saved. Not God’s will: that any should perish. Look at heaven…. God’s will: no sickness, no disease, no death. Consistent to the end of time. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever……


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