
Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday morning, heh? I'm feeling very random at the moment, very undisciplined. There are many things I should be doing, most of which I don't want to do, or which are not pressing enough for me to buckle down to. I came into the office because the desks in here are unusable, due to the clutter and disorganization...but no one really piles stuff up on the it's usually good to go. I was gonna just 'quick check the e-mail', and then the blogs, and now this...

It froze really hard last night, which, for a gardener, should be a very sad thing. The thing is that this year my garden never really did much of anything spectacular. The perennnials bloomed out way too fast because it was so incredibly hot, and there was so little rain. And the annuals, who usually like it hot...just never took off this year. The last few years I've started my own plants inside and in my little greenhouse, but this year I bought them all...and they just never, ever looked good. So actually, now, I'm kindof glad it froze. When it gets a little warmer out today I'll go out and start cleaning stuff up. Usually I cover stuff night after night until it finally snows on the stuff and then I clean it up in spring. It might be nice to have it cleaned up in fall...

I'm really struggling with apathy these last few months.... Apathy sucks. I said in the last post I'd tell you what I had learned about myself...but that's part of the problem, right there. I've been focused way too much on myself of late. Self is a really hard master. I've learned that my thoughts, my reactions, my behaviour of late have been heavily salted with selfishness... It's getting old. It's a very negative place to be, even though so much in my life right now is positive.

I think I should go get some work done...and there are some books on this desk of mine that look interesting...that are calling my name...Will I work, or will I read?? Guess we'll see....


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