
Thursday, April 13, 2006

An update...

I’m sure that all my faithful blog readers will be happy to know that I did find myself something suitable for a mother of the grad. I found it at Old Navy. Generally I'm not a fan of Old Navy, but hey, they bailed me out this time. And shoes at Payless. Sad to say that, even at "bargain" stores, I spent more on MY outfit than my graduate did on hers. Although, she is getting her hair done...maybe it'll come out even..., and, I'll wear mine again and again (probably at every formal event for the next ten years or so).

Also you'll be glad to know that I dropped my tax info stuff at the accountant on Tuesday, a full twenty days BEFORE the deadline!

Also, Fake and Bake is starting to pay off. I'm starting to get a bit brown, not like "Oh my gosh, have you been to Mexico???" brown, but not pasty white either. And the heat is a good thing too.

Just thought you'd like to know.


  • You submitted 20 days ahead of schedule? Shoot, you're WAY EARLY. I wait until April 28 at 2:30 in the afternoon, just to see our accountant have a coronary when he sees our stack of files.

    I get so few pleasures in life, I take what I can get...particularly if I have to pay through the nose for them. *snicker*

    By Blogger Annacond, at 2:51 PM  

  • I am so jealous!!!!!!! I have been trying to get our stuff together and into the accountant for a month.

    Got to say this extended belly is not helping when it comes to the reaching and going through files.

    Oh well......well done!!!! Great feeling having that out of the way huh?!?

    By Blogger Take 2, at 9:10 PM  

  • How was grad????????


    By Blogger Take 2, at 9:29 PM  

  • grad was beautiful, the best day ever. thanks for asking

    By Blogger toomanywhatifs, at 9:02 PM  

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