
Thursday, April 13, 2006


Whatif someone told you that it is as easy to get healed (by Jesus) as it is to get saved (by Jesus)? Would you buy it?

I’d like to just leave that question out there and see what you say, but, I haven’t had many people commenting on my site. I have a surprising number of people say they’re reading it, but not that many that comment, so I’d hang it out there, but….

Whatif someone told you that it is as easy to have the ‘yoke is easy, burden is light’ as it is to get saved? Would you buy that?

Whatif someone told you that it is as easy to have ‘victory over sin’ as it is to get saved?

Whatif someone told you that ALL your sins were forgiven, past, present, and future??

Whatif someone told you GOD is FOR REAL??

Whatif someone said that I should “forget not all His benefits, who forgave ALL my sins, who healed ALL my diseases, who redeemed my life from the pit and crowned me with love and compassion?” Did he know what he was talking about? Can you put all those things in the same sentence, in the same context, no ands, ifs, or buts?

Whatif someone said “by his stripes we are healed?” Would I believe him?

Whatif I believed that the same as I believe my sins are forgiven, the same as I believe in everlasting life? What would happen?

Question is: Is it easy to get “saved’ by Jesus? The answer is obvious. Of course, it’s easy…just believe! But for me….’just believing’ is not at all easy. There is this enormous battlefield in my mind that kicks into high gear absolutely every time what is TRUE encroaches on my sense of reality. It kicks into gear every time a niggly little doubt about the TRUTH steps onto the field. Do we remember that battle of Faith that took place before we accepted the free gift of salvation?? Do we remember the battle that took place before we accepted the ‘saved by grace’, the ‘yoke is easy’, the ‘are you there God, are you for real’? Do we remember how people who ‘got it’ tried to explain and explain and explain and finally it was like a light bulb went off in the deepest recesses of the heart and it was suddenly all so clear? How after that the TRUTH was everywhere in the Bible, we wondered if it had been rewritten? How could we possibly have missed this?? Do we remember this??

Whatif healing is just like that? Whatif it’s just another facet of the so-many-sided, beautiful diamond that is our God, His Son, and His Spirit. Just as real, just as beautiful, just as powerful, just as easy?


  • As easy to be healed as it is to be saved?

    Once again, not to "cop out" on this but my personal view is that I'd say yes because they are (to me) one in the same.

    If you're talking about physical healing here's an interesting train of thought....

    Which is easier for God?
    To physically heal a person, or convince them into following him?

    One, he has control of, the other he has relinquished.

    I've seen him physically heal, I've never seen him force anyone to follow him. What an awesome God!

    By Blogger Born to be Transformed, at 9:48 AM  

  • What about "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?" Is there sickness in heaven? So it's God's will to heal, then why doesn't He always?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:25 PM  

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