
Monday, September 11, 2006

anti-virus blues

Whatever happened to the 'long dog-days of summer," what happened to afternoon naps, to suntanning for hours and reading books? These were some of the fringe benefits of being a full time stay at home mom. I could actually have all the housework done, the laundry done, and a bowl of yeast dough rising on the counter while I lay spawled across the bed in a blissful time of sweet unconciousness. Not that I really cared if the housework was done - never been real good at that. Maybe that's what's changed. Maybe now I have a harder time napping, or reading, or whatever when the work's not all done...and I'm discovering again, for the thousandth time that really, the work is never all done.

I'm longing for a nap today, but actually, I'm writing instead...what's up with that? I fell asleep on the couch last night at 11. Then my eldest came home at 11:30 and woke me, which is OK, then I dozed off again for like 2 know...the really, really dopey kind of dozing off, when I vaguely heard my youngest calling me from the computer downstairs. Apparently 11:35pm. is the imperitive time in which I must re-subscribe to my anti-virus program which had been (un-be-knownst to me) expired since the middle of August. Have you ever had to subscribe to an anti-virus program? Of course you have a computer after all... Is it difficult to do when you're fully awake? Cause it sure is tricky when you're half asleep. We got about half way into it, between internet gliches, computer freeze-ups, shut downs and re-starts when my youngest hits the shut down button and declares that she doesn't have time for this and needs to go to sleep! (That would have been a good idea half an hour ago) I, however, feel that I have too much invested in this process. I've read probably twenty screens of information that I'm lucky if I understand 20% of, and feel it can't be long now...I'll just finish it up. It took me a full hour and a half. If you do the math correctly that puts me ready for bed a little after 1a.m.. Add to that that it's cold downstairs and I must have been a lovely deep shade of blue by the time I came upstairs and it took nearly an hour for me to warm up enough to fall asleep.

So, I'm tired, and I'm feeling sorry for myself...and, I've learned something about myself, which I will write more about in a later post, 'cause...I'm tired, and I'm not typing very well, and the laundry's not done, and I don't know what to make for supper....and....


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