
Friday, March 24, 2006

blessed UV rays!

Can I say that I've had it up to here with clouds and fog and snow and cold wind and brown trees and no tulips and slushy roads? The answer to that question should be a resounding YES, you can say that. You can say anything you want. Can YOU say, "Oh now, whatif's a small price to pay for the beautiful winter we've had."? Absolutely not. I've also had it up to here with people telling me not to gripe about the weather. "Oh the farmers will be loving it." Balony....we could get an inch and a half of RAIN over two days AFTER the ground is thawed and everybody'd be happy.

I NEED UV rays!!! We ran out of firewood last week (except for a few armfulls, which I, in my bizarre personal pshychy, can't use, because I need to save it for a "rainy day"--which we have not had....cloudy, snowy, foggy, humid, cold, Yes, but not "rainy"), so not only am I deprived of my precious UV, but also of my "radiant heat" therapy from a fire, which I've discovered is necessary for my sanity. (Possibly the longest sentence ever recorded by me, without any "......'s" , a new personal best, as it were!) (Dohh, there are "....'s" in that sentence!) (Sigh...) Can you just see the sanity slipping???


  • Oh, do I ever relate to you! except for the radiant heat... There was about 15 minutes of sunshine in our bedroom window this a.m. that was it!
    I asked God to make the sun shine the other day. What I heard was "it is shining". And of course it was... but I couldn't see it. I know there is a lesson for me in that but I do long for the UV rays!
    My 2 little sunshines from Manitoba arrived last night, and they help!
    I also turn on the lights even in the daytime and light some candles.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 AM  

  • been wondering about the phrase "the Lord is my light..."

    By Blogger toomanywhatifs, at 10:24 PM  

  • Maybe that idea 'the Lord is my light' is part of what I am learning..... can't always see the 'Son' but He is there. By faith I believe He will be my light, will fill that cup that I try to fill with so much other stuff and things and people and activity and ......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 AM  

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