
Saturday, February 18, 2006

some questions I've been batting around...

What do you think of this statement made regarding the names of God? "The names of God are reflections of his character." True, yes? Saviour, Protector, Provider, Redeemer, Sanctifier, Lover, Creator, Healer, Teacher, Warrior... (feel free to add other names to the list). Now what do you think of the continuation of this statement? "...and, if the name is a reflection of his character, then it is also a reflection of his will." Equally true?

Another statement..."Faith is simply a response to the character of God, to the heart of God, to the will of God."

It is by grace (the ability, the work, the power of God on my behalf) you have been SOZOed (saved, redeemed, rescued, healed, made to do well, etc...) through faith (responding to the character, the heart, and the will of God.)

Do you think that there are aspects of our lives in which we question the "will" of God in a situation (we pray with confusion, always adding "if it be your will" to our prayers), when in reality, based on the name of God we could have absolute assurance of knowing his will? Does his will vary and change based on the individual and the circumstance, or is it constant and solid, based on his name and his character?


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:37 AM  

  • I don't think the problem is God's will, the problem is that He allows us to have free will. Even Jesus who knew God's will better than anyone was unable to do many miracles in his home town because of the lack of faith. Why did they have a lack of faith? Because they thought he was just a carpenter. They had the wrong preconceived idea of who Jesus was supposed to be.

    I'm just thinking out loud, but I wonder if maybe it's not as important to know God's will as we think. Maybe the important thing is to know God himself, and the rest will fall into place with far less guesswork. I'm not very confident in the interpretation of man to discern the will of God especially as a static generalization (ie. God's will is that no one will ever go hungry/be poor etc.) I've been led astray that way before. I need to know God for myself.

    Oh and one more thing... I think that absolute assurance of Gods will still does not guarantee results when we pray. In Hebrews 11, they didn't receive what they had been promised but it was not for lack of faith or knowledge of God's will. I believe that knowing God's character and will is simply a calling be faithful to what we know is true, with or without our desired results. I question God's will all the time, because I don't understand it, and I think that's okay. What bothers me is when people pray bold and demanding prayers based on someone's interpretation of God's will without stopping to ask, "God, what IS your will in this situation?"

    I don't know Ingrid. Just thinking out loud.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:39 AM  

  • Ok, I have a question of both of you, Darrel and Ingrid

    Darrel, you said "In Hebrews 11, they didn't receive what they had been promised but it was not for lack of faith or knowledge of God's will." If they were promised it, why didn't they receive it? Doesn't God always keep his promises?

    If you are doing God's will, and he choses not to answer (or to answer no) to a very important part of the accomplishment of that will, how are you supposed to react? Do you just assume that it suddenly isn't what he wanted for you, because of this huge roadblock that he didn't help you with and drop the whole thing?

    I'm having a bit of a crisis of faith over this issue, due to something that happened just before I left for London.

    By Blogger Charlie Kilo, at 3:34 AM  

  • I'm with you Daryl! I think I have treated God like a vending machine, put in my request, add the "good" works, sprinkle with faith and "wham" God should answer. More and more I am of the belief that God wants me to want Him, to know Him. As that happens I think I recognize His voice better and learn to rest, really rest in the how and when of the answers. Part of that maybe comes as I start to see now after lots and lots (way to many!!) years that God is answering prayers of the past.
    Maybe that is part of the answer for you Christine, time may show the answer that you thought wasn't answered or had a "no" answer.
    The older I get the less I feel I understand prayer but I know we are to pray. Maybe I am learning to listen instead of just talking.......
    I don't know! Why do I even try to make sense..... because I don't!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:08 PM  

  • I wrote a long response to these comments and then decided to post it as my next blog instead.

    Daryl: "they had the wrong preconceived idea" do I, I'm absolutely sure of it...that's why I'm asking questions.

    Chris: when my kids were little I'd be cooking supper and the house would smell like food (lately it smells more like smoke due to excess blogging while things are on the stove), and the kids would realise they were hungry. They'd ask me for cookies and stuff. I, knowing that supper was only minutes away, would tell them no and they would absolutely freak out. They doubted my heart and my character. Even though I had every intention of meeting their need, and was taking actual steps to do so, I did not do it at the moment they requested, nor in the manner they requested. Those few minutes before supper were often the worst minutes of the entire day. Why? Because they doubted...
    There's a lesson in there for me too.

    Karin: makes sense to me;) thanks for sharing...

    By Blogger toomanywhatifs, at 9:18 PM  

  • I guess I'll just have to wait and see then. No reason has been revealed to me yet, just a lot of frustration and pain (and expense!). Thank you everyone for your advice. I truly appreciate it. I miss LAC!

    By Blogger Charlie Kilo, at 2:07 AM  

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