
Friday, February 24, 2006

more thinking...

It would probably help to read the comments on the previous post before you read this.

It is God's will that no one should perish, but all should come to eternal life through Jesus. Does that mean that none will perish? Is God's will overruled by man's will? I have toomanyquestions regarding this. If I go with an "if this, then that" line of thinking and say that God's will can be overruled by my will or unbelief (or wrong belief)... ie. If I believe that I will get to heaven by praying to a banana three times a day and do this faithfully every day, I will be sorely disappointed. I will not be saved, even though it is God's will that I should be saved. ...then why would that truth not apply to all the other aspects of God's will/character. God also promises to expose all people to himself, so they have the opportunity to choose. Is this true only of salvation, or is it true of all other aspects as well? If faith for salvation comes by hearing the TRUTH, and faith for righteousness comes by hearing the TRUTH, then what of all the other "riches of our inheritance". Is there more TRUTH to be revealed with regard to these other aspects? I find it interesting that we use the word "demand". I do not "demand" my salvation. I recieve it, as a gift freely offered, but needing to be received (like a registered letter you have to sign for). I do not "demand" my righteousness. I receive it. I think the thought of "demanding" proves a lack of understanding.

I know that the TRUTH about all this can only come by revelation, so I'm praying for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that I may KNOW HIM BETTER. It does come down to knowing him, his heart, his character, his will. In the mean time I sure have a lot of questions.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

some questions I've been batting around...

What do you think of this statement made regarding the names of God? "The names of God are reflections of his character." True, yes? Saviour, Protector, Provider, Redeemer, Sanctifier, Lover, Creator, Healer, Teacher, Warrior... (feel free to add other names to the list). Now what do you think of the continuation of this statement? "...and, if the name is a reflection of his character, then it is also a reflection of his will." Equally true?

Another statement..."Faith is simply a response to the character of God, to the heart of God, to the will of God."

It is by grace (the ability, the work, the power of God on my behalf) you have been SOZOed (saved, redeemed, rescued, healed, made to do well, etc...) through faith (responding to the character, the heart, and the will of God.)

Do you think that there are aspects of our lives in which we question the "will" of God in a situation (we pray with confusion, always adding "if it be your will" to our prayers), when in reality, based on the name of God we could have absolute assurance of knowing his will? Does his will vary and change based on the individual and the circumstance, or is it constant and solid, based on his name and his character?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

learners and hypocrites

--a comment I heard recently about a church..."just a bunch of hypocrites doing what hypocrites do..." spoken by a guy who goes faithfully every Sunday to a church he clearly doesn't love, but brought a friend to because...well... Why?? ...because that's what you do?? So then, ... are you a hypocrite too? Or, in making that comment, are you saying you’re not a hypocrite? Why bring someone along to play a game you don't believe in and don't enjoy?

It makes me ask so many questions. Like, exactly what is a hypocrite? How do we decide who is, and who is not a hypocrite? Clearly this man thought everyone in the church was a hypocrite. But was he right? defines it this way: one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not; to play a part, pretend n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold

Truth be told, aren’t we all hypocrites? Christians and non-Christians alike? Don’t we all put on masks, pretend, play the part to some degree? I believe there has only ever been one who was not a hypocrite, who was true in everything he did.

Another question. When is a hypocrite acting like a hypocrite? Am I acting like a hypocrite when I say “I am a child of God,” or, when I am verbally lacerating someone behind their back, or, both? Can a teen-age girl (or a new believer, or, an old believer) say “I’m a born again Christian” and “I’m sleeping with my boyfriend”?

Another question. Is there an allowance for a learning curve in the word hypocrite? Is there grace in that word? It’s all so confusing to me. Can I change my name to toomanyquestions??

Saturday, February 04, 2006

the greek word for saved is "sozo", or so I've been told

It is by the ability, the power, and the work of God that I have been saved, delivered, protected, healed, preserved, made to do well, made whole, kept safe, and rescued from destruction, through believing the truth about Jesus Christ—this is not done by me, it is a gift from God –not earned, not deserved, not even worked towards, so that I cannot boast about anything except Christ.

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God —not by works, so that no one can boast.

Friday, February 03, 2006

so much to little time....sigh....