
Friday, April 16, 2010

a signature piece....

"Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him,"

When we were looking at the previous story, a friend quoted the above verse from Acts 2:22, saying that the miracles, and wonders were like Jesus' signature. They were a means of recognition, that we would know it was Jesus, and that God was with him, when we saw his signature, his 'signs.'

My mind immediately jumped to another passage in Mark 16:17. "...and these 'signs' will accompany those who believe: In my name they out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." These are Jesus words! After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and "the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it!"

I'm not sure if my friends mind jumped there, but mine sure did... Makes me say hmmm.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Save the best for the last!

A group of my friends and I were looking at the water into wine story in John 2 of the Bible recently, with the purpose of discovering, or rediscovering, what this event in history reveals about the person, the character, the nature of Jesus Christ. A few things stood out to me, once again pointing out to me the humility, the generosity, and the abundance of grace encompassed in the person of Jesus.

Jesus, his family, and many of his friends were guests at a wedding. They were enjoying the wedding feast when Jesus' mother became aware that the hosts had run out of wine. I don't know if you've ever hosted a big event, but, running out of stuff is really stressful! Mary was concerned for her hosts and, knowing Jesus had the ability to 'fix' things in ways that no one else could, asked him to please 'fix' this! He kind of scolds her for involving him in this, but she turns to the servants and says 'Do whatever he tells you' and leaves it at that. She seems confident that he will do something, despite his seeming reluctance, and she's right.

He sneaks off behind the scenes, where the servants are. He has them fill some jars with water, then tells them to pour out a glass and take it to the 'master of the banquet.' In the act of pouring, the water becomes wine. Not just any wine, but REALLY good wine! And, have you ever done the math on this? He made between two and three thousand cups of wine! Six jars times 20 (or 30) gallons times 16 cups in a gallon.... that's a lot of wine! He doesn't really do things half way, does he?

The 'master of the banquet' gets a taste of this amazing wine and is astounded.... Why would the groom save the best wine for the last? It was normal to put the best wine out first, and then, after there was a little buzz going, bring out the cheap stuff... The 'master of the banquet' didn't know Jesus was behind this. This is one of the things I noticed.... Only those who ALREADY had their eyes on Jesus knew that he had done this miracle. The 'master of the banquet' didn't know, most of the guests didn't know, the groom didn't know... That's interesting isn't it? Humble...

The 'master of the banquet' was so intrigued by this that he made a big show of it, to show the great generosity and moral character of the groom! He made no mention of Jesus. All credit went to the groom! And, I assume, the groom took the credit! He certainly didn't make a big scene about 'how did this happen??' 'It wasn't me....?' And, this is the second thing I noticed: Jesus let everyone thank the groom! Jesus flew under the radar. He didn't grandstand. He didn't MAKE SURE everyone knew who to thank. He didn't sulk or feel slighted, or wounded, or hurt, or angry, or jealous that someone else got the credit. He just went on with his day. Not seeking praise, or recognition, or a pat on the back...

The third thing: It didn't matter if you knew him or didn't, saw the miracle or didn't, thanked him or didn't, everybody got a really good glass of wine! Generous... Not leaving anyone out...

Is there a parallel here? Whether we know him or not, see the miracle or not, thank him or not, he poured out his blood.... Grace...

Monday, April 05, 2010


In order to make a guitar sound good, the guitar strings must be tied on at both ends. A string that is only tied on at one end does not make music. In fact, it is tied firmly at both ends. It is important that it be firm at both ends. It doesn't matter how firm it is on one end, if the other end is loose it will not make a sound. Further, if a D string is meant to make a D sound, there is a precise measurement of exactly how tight it needs to be at both ends. Great care is taken to ensure the tension is correct. This precise tension is not optional, it is a requirement. No musician would argue this. If one musician said the string was tied on at this end, and another musician said the string was tied at the other end, they would not be in contradiction. They would be in agreement. The string is tied on at both ends, and that is good. The tension creates beauty.

Have you noticed, there is a great deal of tension in the Bible? I have heard it referred to as contradiction, but that is not the case. It is tension, required tension, for the purpose of making beautiful music. I'm so excited that I have discovered this! It is such a beautiful thing!

At the base of the guitar is a 'bridge.' This bridge is a fixed point at which the guitar strings are initially, firmly attached. On the other end is the headstock, where the strings are at first, loosely attached, then pulled to the correct tension. There is a fixed, and a variable. I wonder if it would be correct to think that the 'bridge' would be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. The constant. The security. The finished work. The things that are immovable.

The headstock would the variable, the part that needs to be tweaked, tuned, refined. The part that determines whether the music is beautiful, or just a hair off of tune...

In order to make beautiful music, both ends need to be tied on. It is God's will that none should perish, that all should come to know him, yet, only those who call on his name will be saved. Can't do without either one. Did he find me, or did I find him? Is it all predetermined, or do I have free will? The answer is yes, to both questions, and there is tension, beautiful tension. Does God love me? Yes! Do I need to be saved from his wrath? Yes! Tension... He loved me SO MUCH that he sent his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting life! Beautiful tension! Has he made incredible promises? Yes! Do I need faith to receive these promises? Yes! Has he given us everything we need for life and godliness? Yes! Through.... my knowledge of him who called me... Just tied on at one end...? No music... Tied on tight at both ends? Beautiful! Has the battle been won? Yes! Do I need to 'put on armour?' Yes! Do I have the 'mind of Christ?' Yes! Do I have to renew my mind? Take captive every thought to make it obedient? Yes!! Have I been sealed with the Spirit, a deposit guaranteeing my inheritance? Yes!! Do I need to 'live by' the Spirit? Fan into flame the gifts of the Spirit? Be filled with the Spirit? Keep in step with the Spirit? Be baptised in the Spirit? Be careful not to grieve the Spirit? Be careful not to quench the Spirit? Yes!! Tension! Tuning! Tweaking! Refining! Can't let go of either end! Must take great care to ensure the tension is correct! Beautiful music! FRUIT!! Life comes and rubs on the strings and there is beauty! There is harmony!

Can we learn to embrace this tension? To love it? To nurture it, rather than resist it?

You may have noticed that a guitar has more than one string. A skilled musician can make beautiful music with only one string, but he can make more beautiful music when all the strings are in tune. I may have Life with the one string, but I can have Life, and have it more abundantly when all the strings are in tune! I have often said that God is like a many faceted diamond, each facet as beautiful as the next. Can I also say that God is like a many stringed instrument? Having one string in tune is good, but having all the strings in tune is better?! Psalm 103 says to 'forget not ALL his benefits'. David knows there were multiple things accomplished by God on our behalf, multiple strings attached to the 'bridge.' He is reminding himself to see them all, to use them all! God is not a one stringed banjo! Praise the Lord, O my Soul!! Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

PS: I wonder if, when I find myself saying that I am hungry, or that I am longing for 'more', if what I'm really saying is that I'm a bit out of tune, the tension isn't right and I need a little help...